The CACATOES database version 1.04 is a level-3 product derived from the TOOCAN database version 2.08. It allows to analyze the DCSs over the entire tropical belt by an Eulerian approach. The integrated morphological parameters of each DCS have been projected into a 1°/1day grid. The characteristics of all the DCSs occurring in a given gridpoint have been sorted according to the DCS area occupied within this gridpoint. Thus, the most representative MCS can then be easily identified for a given 1°/1day gridpoint.
The CACATOES database version 1.04 is available for the 9-year period (2012-2020) over the whole tropical belt [30°S-30°N] in the following link:
It is composed by 1°/1day global monthly files in NETCDF.
MCS integrated morphological parameters
- Time: number of days within a month
- nmaxDCS: maximum number of DCS within a 1°/1day gridpoint, set at 25
- GEOmode: GEO scan mode used for a 1°/1day gridpoint (Routine mode / Rapid scan mode for the GOES platforms)
- lat: 60
- lon: 360
The technical aspects of the CACATOES database can be found in the following documentation:
CC BY 4.0 : Permission is granted to use these data in research and publications mentionning the dataset DOI and the reference articles and accompanied by the following statement: The authors acknowledge the data center ESPRI/IPSL for providing access to the data.